I keep it real N that's a promise,
I may b a BITCH but at least i'm honest,
when i walk by U, go ahead to stop N stare,
well keep on looking coz i don't care a DAMN,
i have my own lyfe N style,
and I'm not trying to please you or make you smile,
Now shut ur ASS up and keep me out of your mouth,
thanx eh for making me the center of ur world
PRESENTATION - I think everything was ok ar... except the timing sux... when we rehearse she only took 2min 30 second... then when real presentation come... her timing go back to 4 minute... then all the rehearse timing go haywire... KEEP TO THE TIMING LAH... Talk so much for wat... Everytyme like that one... Sianz liao... Then when i talk to her want to make face black black.... I'm just stating the fact wat... true lah our presentation only last for 15 to 16 minutes... at least can keep to the old timing mah and no need talk so much... Haiyo... I think individual marks will not be so good liao coz i keep referring to the script... haha.... and the presentation slides has gone haywire... =/ Tomorrow Bio test.. mu st go home study more... must make sure i undertsand liao.... trying to get an A or B bit and not a C or D... =X... JY.... got bplenty of hours to study... dun waste t yme liao..... after which i gonna study for the other module... =) coz less than 2 months to go before semestral exam... =)
   sianz... theory test SUX and the 50 minutes they given us is simply to short.... there's not enough tyme for us to double check whether the ans is correct or wrong... F**K lah... i think my mcq got some wrong one coz some i didnt check whether i shade the ryte one or not... haiz... should have given us like 1 hour or 1 hoyr 15 minutes... at least we wont have to rush.... nvm... the only way to get good grades now is to get good results for the face test and the way to score high is to get it done the correct way and in sequence... coz the mcq is 30% whereas the face test is 70% so if i can score in it then i can get good grades for clinical lab... =) Niwae will be having my AP presentation tomorrow, finished decorating the slides liao... spend 8 to 10 hours decorating the slides and yet..... haiz.... NVM lah.... presentation will be only 20 minutes and i'll hope we'll keep to the time limit... mine took only abt 3 minutes to present so it shud be ok... i dun know bout the rest.. will be timing theirs tmr... to ensure we keep to the 20 minutes... if not the last speaker wun have enough tyme to present... and that's what happen to me coz she talk so damn long then i dun even have tyme to present.. and due to that i get really bad mark for that STPID PRESENTATION while the rest got more marks... like sh*t ryte.... will be having my bio test on tuesday and my clinical face test on friday... hopefully all goes well for me... niwae there's a lot to study for clinical trial and so many things to memorize... gosh... hopefully can make it.... must make it... =)... JIAYOU!!! sure can do it one... =)... PERSEVERE AND YOU CAN GET TOWARDS YOUR GOAL... (^o^)
hey... its has been a few days since i blogged.... well... my schedule was abit tight... so didnt really have the tyme to blog in... lol.... niwae skewl have started, since this monday, and a lot of stuff have to be done and to be completed... GOSH!!! can faint liao... due to exhaustion... haha... Abnormal Psychology slides to be decorated... other ICAs to be discussed, Exams are coming... Oh ya talking bout EXAMS... I hate the paper juz now... The stuff that i didnt go in depth when revising actually came out... so sianz liao... and the IV calculation, which is so damn long, is given only 2 marks... OMG... Hopefully will score in the Face test... which starts next week... OMG!!! Schedule is gonna be really really tight... This week will be Week 11 for the semester... SO i'll start from here... Week 12 have Abnormal psychology presentation on monday, Bio paper on tuesday, Face test for clinical..( hopefully mine wk 13)... then week 13 got clinical trial test on friday, face test (if mine's not on wk 12), Week 14 have behaviour modification presentation on tuesday... Week 15, mental health and adult nursing presentation (back to back sumore... MH at 9.. AN at 10... ARGHHHH!!!), week 16 (nothing... study tyme), Week 17 got pharmaco presentation... Week 18 and 19( i think ar... or is it week 19 and 20... nvm...) SEMETRAL EXAMS.... Sian liao... have to start studying NOW... Cant delay already... Really have to manage my tyme... I want to pass all... Insyaallah... STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! =X
woke up ard 1030 juz now... hehe... to prepapre the stuff for the gym thingy with sharifah... =)... niwae we went to the tampines gym at the stadium there... the entry fee is $2.50... which is considered ok... niwae went on the treadmill for about 10 to 15 minutes, triceps training and semething like a rowing thingy... lol... her friend taught us a few way to tone up the stomach... maybe we're gg again next week... =)... want to burn my fats fast... haha... niwae lose abt 0.5 kg juz now... haha... but i think it went up again after eating... lolz... let the weight go down slowly... =) school will be reopening on monday and starts at 12... but we'll have to turn up at 10 coz we have to discuss about our presentations and then at 11, we'll be having a lab practice... gosh... gonna be a long day... coz we're gg to finish school at 8... lol... first day of skewl and it gonna be a tiring one... so sian... hopefully we can settle everything soon so we can focus on studying for the semetral exams... =X...
 Discussion was held at 1230 instead of 1200… haha… it’s like that everytyme…. Lolz… always 30 minutes after the scheduled time… but I arrived a bit late coz I have to find some things for my dad and then my stomach is finding fault with me.. .sianz… Everything oso want me to do… think I robot or wat… simple stuff oso want me to find… then for no reason whatsoever want to scold people…. Aiyo… Niwae the discussion was on abnormal psychology and we’ve kinda finish everything… except to let the lecturer see and do the decoration and the transition… then tomorrow, we’ll have a discussion on behaviour modification, mental health and adult nursing… gosh 3 in a day… can faint… haha… My adult nursing will be more like collecting the information from my grp mates’ coz some of them haven’t submit to me yet and I really want to smack them one by one… Ooops!!!... Haha… Sian ar… For behaviour modification I dun know what to find she… all the stuff I find is more or less not really related and there is sure a lot to find… *faint*… I wonder our grp is which grp to present... Hopefully it’s not the first grp ar... Coz if not… I think we’re all gonna faint… haha… Coz of all us don’t really get it as to what we are suppose to do…. Lolz… even the leader is not sure… School will be starting next week… and there are sure a lot more to do… and we have to start studying for our paper soon coz its like in 8 weeks and there is not study week… I hope there is ar… hopefully… I’m sure that if we’re to start early, we’re sure to have more time to absorb everything in instead of mugging at the last minute which I always does… haha… Finally, I really need to lose some weight before Hari Raya… at least ard 5 to 10 kg… Its abt 3 to 4 months from now… so if I lose at least 2 – 3 kg per month… I’m sure I can do it… Jia you… must have a strong will in order to succeed… coz if there’s a will, there will surely be a way… I’m gonna try to lose at least 20 kg in 1 ½ year… gotta start from now… =) Damn it ar!!! Short of money... You sae u will pay me back tomorrow but now u sae u got no money to pay back... I'm willing to lend you the money even though my money is short... and this is not the first tyme sak... Damn fed up ar... Ingat aku ni ape... ATM machine ke pe... Duet sendiri tak tawu jaga... Tapi mintak daripada org pas tu kata nk bayar balik tapi tak bayar bayar... Haiz...
The brainteaser test
Nana, you answered 25 out of 30 questions correctly! Congratulations! Your score is in the 94rd percentile. This means that if one hundred people took the test with you, your score would rank higher than 93 of them on average. When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that when it comes to linguistic-mathematical ability, you measure in the 100th percentile. This score indicates you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to understanding numerical representation in words or "word problems." You're highly proficient at translating words into numbers. This can be very useful when solving a problem in real life. When people are discussing a vague problem that needs a specific solution, you're able to cut through the extraneous information to a clear answer
My zodiac match test
The chart is color-coded to help you identify different levels of compatibility between you and the 12 zodiac signs. Look for the GREEN wedges in your chart. People with those signs are your surest matches. A relationship with one of your green signs is apt to be more smooth and easy from the get-go. You're also likely to find greater long-term comfort and compatibility with a green match. If you've got your heart set on someone whose sign is shaded in YELLOW, never fear — these matches can suit you, too. It just may take a bit more effort on your part. By paying special attention to the advice below regarding potentially problem areas, you can learn some great ways to avoid typical pitfalls with your yellow signs. If you proceed with a little caution and are willing to do the work, in the end your romance with a yellow could be just as satisfying as any pairing with a green. But if a RED has captured your attention, watch out. There are signs that such a relationship might not be the best for you. Over time, pursuing a pairing with a red may end up feeling more like work than fun. But if you're unswayed by this warning, you'll do best to study your partner's sign in depth. That way you can be prepared for the differences between you and better understand the kinds of conflicts you're likely to encounter.
What Kind of Friend Are You?
Nana, you're a No doubt about it — you're the sweetheart of your crew. Always looking out for your friends, you know that they've got your back too. Loving and loyal, you see no difference between friends and family, which is why people always feel comfortable coming to you when things aren't going their way. They know you'll be there.
You're always willing to put yourself in other people's shoes, a trait that helps you understand where people are coming from. This is what makes your friends trust your judgment and advice — they know you'll love them no matter what happens. And that's what friends are for.
Happy birthday MUMMY, EVE and FAiZURAH.... hope all ur wishes come true... hehehe Gosh... 3 person birthday in a day... Lol... niwae bought a bag for my mum... choose it together with hubby... hehe.... photo of the bag is unavailable as my mum kept it already... didnt have the tyme to took a photo of it after i bought it coz it was kinda late... lol... and my hp battery went dead... lolz... Currently doing the slides for abnormal psychology and research for behavior modification... so sian sia... so many things to do with so lil tyme... *faint* Havent really went out these few days coz have a lot of things to settle... like ICAs ar, exams ar... really want to faint... but luckilly i manage to fill in the blank in my book already... if not i dun think i'll know what im going to study... lolz... after studying for lab... i got to study for bio... sianz... K ar.. i want to do the stupid RESEARCH...
I'M SO SO BORED RYTE NOW.... So sianz... hubby can't come coz he have to take care of the three monkey at home so i'l left at home... doing stupid stuff... haha... like updating my frenster, updating the blog, updating other things and stuff... haha... lots of things to update... Niwae IMH posting is out and I'm posted in ward 32B... Pharque lah... posted with that J***n again... So suay sia... Already kena sabotage by here and becoz of her me and SH kena scolded for things we didnt do... And she can still act as though it wasnt her fault... If u were us, u will surely be angry for sure coz u get scolded for things that you didnt do and unaware of it.... Haiyo... KNN ar... Something will surely go wrong with her ard... Thank god she isn't in my SG anymore... coz she is such a blur block... =X... I WANT TO GO OUT SIA.... But no money... hahaha.... Got ar RM... haha... SD no more already... kwang kwang kwang... haha... LAME... I need to made plan tmr with the grp for AD discussion... most probably will be helding it on fridae... =)... I need to study for HS2125 THEORY... kekeke... only browse through the book... havent really study... Niwae will be signing up for my car licence soon... when i have enough money... hehe... i'm considering whether to take manual or automatic... coz if i take manual i can drive both but if u take auto.. i can only drive the auto... Hmmm... I'll think bout it again... kekeke... Will update again soon... =)
 havent been doing anything much todae... juz spring cleaning my room and stuff coz its so messy... haha... havent really have the tyme to go out and check out the GSS stuff... lol... perhaps soon... =X... It has been quite a boring day todae coz i was in the house doing the normal stuff... cooking for the the two young boys at home.... watching tv... doing research, cleaning my room and stuff... so sianz liao... I need to learn how to save money... haha.... coz my money in my bank acct seems to be going up and down and never seem stable at all... haha... at one point.. almost all my money is gone...ahha... hopefully hubby can make it tmr... =X... haiyo my hse havent finish painting.. only halfway done... kwang kwang... and my brother have already drawn on it.. sian... my maid simply dont know how to take care of the kids... can become a bit crazy talking to her at tymes... my previous previous previous maid was at least better than this one... even though she like to complain alot... at least she get things done... unlike this one... if we never sae anything she wudn't do anything... *faint* I'm so bored... it is really a boring day... yeapx a boring day... hah... niwae been deleting inactive and unknown ppl frm my frenster... haha... but only a few.. coz my broadband is abit eh not abit... a lot... it has been very very siao all day long... keep disconnecting me from juz now... connecting it back almost make me want to puke BLOOD out.. coz after a few minutes it wud dc again... LMAO... i feel like throwing the STUPID BROADBAND... first my lappy now the BROADBAND... one by one all the stuff make me feel like SMASHING THEM... Pharque ar... (learnt the wrd frm nass)... haha... thanks eh nass ajar aku wrd baru... haha... So sleepy... haha... sleepy but cannot sleep... macamana tak jadi panda ar... haha... Will be sleeping soon enough... i think... lolz... ZZZZZZzzzzzz....
day out with family at DESARU and KOTA TINGGI