I keep it real N that's a promise,
I may b a BITCH but at least i'm honest,
when i walk by U, go ahead to stop N stare,
well keep on looking coz i don't care a DAMN,
i have my own lyfe N style,
and I'm not trying to please you or make you smile,
Now shut ur ASS up and keep me out of your mouth,
thanx eh for making me the center of ur world


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Discussion was held at 1230 instead of 1200… haha… it’s like that everytyme…. Lolz… always 30 minutes after the scheduled time… but I arrived a bit late coz I have to find some things for my dad and then my stomach is finding fault with me.. .sianz… Everything oso want me to do… think I robot or wat… simple stuff oso want me to find… then for no reason whatsoever want to scold people…. Aiyo…

Niwae the discussion was on abnormal psychology and we’ve kinda finish everything… except to let the lecturer see and do the decoration and the transition… then tomorrow, we’ll have a discussion on behaviour modification, mental health and adult nursing… gosh 3 in a day… can faint… haha… My adult nursing will be more like collecting the information from my grp mates’ coz some of them haven’t submit to me yet and I really want to smack them one by one… Ooops!!!... Haha…

Sian ar… For behaviour modification I dun know what to find she… all the stuff I find is more or less not really related and there is sure a lot to find… *faint*… I wonder our grp is which grp to present... Hopefully it’s not the first grp ar... Coz if not… I think we’re all gonna faint… haha… Coz of all us don’t really get it as to what we are suppose to do…. Lolz… even the leader is not sure…

School will be starting next week… and there are sure a lot more to do… and we have to start studying for our paper soon coz its like in 8 weeks and there is not study week… I hope there is ar… hopefully… I’m sure that if we’re to start early, we’re sure to have more time to absorb everything in instead of mugging at the last minute which I always does… haha…

Finally, I really need to lose some weight before Hari Raya… at least ard 5 to 10 kg… Its abt 3 to 4 months from now… so if I lose at least 2 – 3 kg per month… I’m sure I can do it… Jia you… must have a strong will in order to succeed… coz if there’s a will, there will surely be a way… I’m gonna try to lose at least 20 kg in 1 ½ year… gotta start from now… =)

Damn it ar!!! Short of money... You sae u will pay me back tomorrow but now u sae u got no money to pay back... I'm willing to lend you the money even though my money is short... and this is not the first tyme sak... Damn fed up ar... Ingat aku ni ape... ATM machine ke pe... Duet sendiri tak tawu jaga... Tapi mintak daripada org pas tu kata nk bayar balik tapi tak bayar bayar... Haiz...