I keep it real N that's a promise,
I may b a BITCH but at least i'm honest,
when i walk by U, go ahead to stop N stare,
well keep on looking coz i don't care a DAMN,
i have my own lyfe N style,
and I'm not trying to please you or make you smile,
Now shut ur ASS up and keep me out of your mouth,
thanx eh for making me the center of ur world


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My zodiac match test

The chart is color-coded to help you identify different levels of compatibility between you and the 12 zodiac signs.

Look for the GREEN wedges in your chart. People with those signs are your surest matches. A relationship with one of your green signs is apt to be more smooth and easy from the get-go. You're also likely to find greater long-term comfort and compatibility with a green match.

If you've got your heart set on someone whose sign is shaded in YELLOW, never fear — these matches can suit you, too. It just may take a bit more effort on your part. By paying special attention to the advice below regarding potentially problem areas, you can learn some great ways to avoid typical pitfalls with your yellow signs. If you proceed with a little caution and are willing to do the work, in the end your romance with a yellow could be just as satisfying as any pairing with a green.

But if a RED has captured your attention, watch out. There are signs that such a relationship might not be the best for you. Over time, pursuing a pairing with a red may end up feeling more like work than fun. But if you're unswayed by this warning, you'll do best to study your partner's sign in depth. That way you can be prepared for the differences between you and better understand the kinds of conflicts you're likely to encounter.