hey... was werking with auntie siti and guess who came... HAiZAD IMRAN and DOCTOR JASLAN... they decorated a cake and 3 doughnuts each... hehe... HAIZAD wanted to write i love mum but due to space constaint he wrote i love me... haha... while DR JASLAN draw two hearts... =)... the cakes pix are all below... hehe.. I manage to take two photo with HAIZAD.. hehe... but one make me look very chubby... haha... and he's so cute... face to face somemore... saw him in skewl a couple of times but finally manage to talk to him...... lol... he's look better in person than in TV... lol... and he is quite tall too... lol... niwae he was kinda surprised when i know that he was taking adv dip in nyp haha and i was taking dip in nursing... hahaha... anw here are the pix i took... i think they are filming for a programme but i'm not sure what program is it... watch out for it soon ya... hehe... =)

Haizad's Cake and Dougnuts

Dr Jaslan Cake

Haizad decorating his cake

The Doctor, The Chef and The Nurse cum Artist

Me and Kak Kira

Me and Haizad

Me and Haizad again ( i look chubby and my hair is in a mess... LOL)

Haizad Imran (cute kan)

Group photo... (i'm like the youngest in the grp... =X)