hey hey... im back... haha.... if im not wrong it has been like 12 days since my last proper entry...
lol.... niwae it was zawani's engagement 2 weeks back (20th july)... Congrats wani on ur engagement... =).... so happy for you... heee... and here are some of the photos that we took... =)

Niwae... exams is coming near... and there's a pharmaco mock test tmr... gosh... there's another one next week too... and my clinical trial exam is next week.... after which the week after is already my exam week.... ARGH!!!!! so stressful arh... bnyk betul yg kene blajar.... Will be studying for my pharmaco later on.... tmr i got like only pharmaco lecture which is like 1 lesson... dun feel like coming... but have to come because of the most test... haha
Oh ya... Yat accompanied me to TTSH juz now to fill up the application form juz now.... heee.... thx eh yat.... sanggup temankan aku walaupun class kau kul 2... kekeke..... after filling up the form we went to eat at LJS... no pics was taken so no pics will be updated on that.... haha.... After that we went to school to attend the 1 hour lecture...
We then proceed to order our pant suit for attachmnt at toa payoh and i must sae this tyme round they have from xs to xl... must be different company... coz the dress we get last tyme only have s,m and l.... i prefer this tailor cutting coz the figure is there... instead of a straight cut... haha..... but for my pants i need to customize it coz my thighs are like so big... haha.... that's the reason why i need to make my leg smaller... hahahaha....
I was finding toys with yat at TPY hub when the HR called and schedule for an interview tmr.. at 1745... so efficient sia.... i was like so surprised.... luckilly i have all the things photocopied already... =)... Hopefully i can get it... must answer all the question properly and not stammer like like tyme.... kekeke.... Insyaalah!!!
To all fellow nurses... GOOD LUCK ON UR EXAMS....
gosh... it has been 10 days since i last blog.... haha.... lots of things has happens over the past ten days... will update on them later on.... been kinda bz these few days..... lots of things to do.... =).... be back soon... =)
the week is coming to an end and a lot of thing has happen... I better not elaborate on it since some of them are better just forgotten... =X... niwae learned BCLS todae and we've found out that the theory test will be next wednesday from 1600 to 1630 and the practical will be on week 16 and week 17... i think ar.... haha... so many thing sak to study... sooner of later i think i gonna faint from mugging and exhaustion....
Gonna study at 2100... have to refrain from watching tv... if not i cant concentrate.... haha.... have 6 module to study eh 7... haha... including BCLS... kwang kwang... lolz.... and there's still my adult nursing slides to decorate and i have to print the TB pix... so sianz... oh ya... the MH slides is like so plain... =X... haiyo... at least make the effort to go find the pix ar if u want to use that theme... ni tak... nk biarkan gitu je... it sure look plain... I'm not saying im that creative ar but since she wunt accept my idea juz let it be ar.... haiz.... Here i am trying to help and there she is doing her own things... OK fine... SO BE IT!!! As long as the content is there...
Im going to fish farm again this saturday with hubby again... hopefully hehe... If everything goes as planned ar... i dun know what to buy for zawani's engagement... lol.... my mind has gone into a blank state... keke... =X... oh ya... 1 more week to go and it'll be our 2nd anniversary... =).... cant wait for it... provided that he remembered ar... =X...
K ar i want to go and study now... after which i got to cut the binder and then i have to decorate part of my slides... SIANZZZZ...
spot the difference... =)...
(some are pretty prominent/obvious)
hehe.... (^o^)


edited using photoshop CS2.... =p

photos of clouds....
some of them i can sae are really beautiful...
im not a photographer so bear with it... heee...
but it look way better in reality... hehe..
need to brush up on my scenery photo9raphy skills... =p
week 14 of school have staeted and exams timetable are out... Adult nursing will be the first paper which is on week 18 on the 14 of august, thursday, followed by abnormal psychology and behaviour mod paper on the next day... after which the week after on monday, 18th of august will be mental health, followed by bioscience which is on wednesday, 20th of august and lastly pharmocology on frifay, 22nd of august... On week 17, there will be pharmocogy presentation and my clinical trial ICA2... it will be and open book but the question wont be so direct.. it would surely be more difficult and need lots of understanding...
Niwae was supposed to have discussion juz now but WTH... it was cancelled and no one actually told me... HELLO... Can u be more responsible of ur module since u're the leader of that module... u dont expect me to plan out every single meeting ryte... i've had enough of all that ok... having to handle all the stuff... At least arrange for a meeting or say u cant make it beforhand... Dont tell me last minute can or not... Juz because of 2 people who cannt make it we have to cancel the meeting izzit.. WTH is this..? You want to finish this thing fast then u keep on procastinating... When are we gg to finish like this... OUR presentation is on the same day ok for god's sake.... Back to back sumore... Here I am trying to settle my AN and there u are wanting to do both AN and MH together... Can plan together ryte... Ni tak... Whenever i want to hold meeting then u come in... Go and make ur own meeting schedule can... I have my own responsibilty ok... IF i want to settle my things soon... why cant i do it... i've arrange for all the thing to be done wat... Did u arrange anything for urs.... NO!!!... And even when u did it is always last minute... Which is on the day itself when others have their own plan... U have ur own self to blame...!!! F**K lah... Typical!!!
Went to Qian Hu fish farm with Hayati juz now... Lol... Was supposed to werk today but auntie siti sae no need to come since she wun be having any class today and they need to do the filming again for Haizad and Dr Jaslan... the cake and doughnut again.. coz there's something wrong with the video they recorded... AWw... cud have seen him again but WTD... no chance... and I think haizad is not in NYP already since adv dip crses are like only 8 months... Havent been seeing him in skewl too... =(... Oh ya i found out the show name already and HAIZAD is the host... It will be airing at suria every wednesday @ 9pm... Dun forget to catch it ya... and HAIZAD is so DAMN CUTE... haha... k that was random...
Niwae coming baack to the fish farm thingy... Met Yat at Woodlands Interchange then we took the train to CCK after which we took a shuttle bus to the Fish Farm... The Farm is like so deep inside... I wonder what wud happen if we were to get lost while going there shud there be no shuttle bus... Upon reaching the farm, we paid $10 each for 30 minutes... And its for the FISH THERAPY... lol... There were lots of small fish in the water... ermm... i forgotten the name of the fish... haha... there are like small one medium one large one and a few giants fish... haha... Not giant exactly ar... but the biggest compared to all the tiny fish in the water... haha...
When we put our leg in... Yati was like shouting non stop and her grip was real tight haha... I guess it was too ticklish for her at first... haha... especially when the giant first came.. she didnt dare to put her leg in.. LOL... But somehow.. she did overcome her fear and finally let the fish eat her DSC... haha.... As for me... I was trying to bear w the ticklisness but when the giant fish came it was really damn ticklish so i waited for it to go away before putting my leg in again... Hahaha... 30 minutes soom to be very short... haha... But its fun... would be going there again soon... hehe...
After the FISH THERAPY... we went back to CCK by the shuttle bus... and had our lunch at LJS... lol... then we walked ard LOT 1 and browse through clothes... hahaa... I didnt buy anything though... haha... After walking around LOT 1 and yat has bought her stuff we went to CWP... HAHA... The purpose of going there was to find something for me but there's nothing that i like... haha... so we went window shopping and find a gift for yat's freind... lol.... here are the pics.. ENjoy... hehe...

phew... passed my iv... lol... now have to study for my clinical trial.. so many things to do arh... eh... I mean so many things to memorize... can faint... starting to regret taking Ct... shud have taken one that i'm familiar with like IT or stuff... sianz... i wanted to faint already when i opened up the book... so many things.... haha.... k... serve me ryete for studying last minute.... =X... 3 more dyas to go b4 the test... still got tyme...
hmmm.... Behaviour mod slides is almost done and then can do the adult nursing and mental health slides... need to print the tb pix... haiyo.... so sianz... still need to discuss for my AN... on the half day programme what are we going show to the old folks... =/.... I NEED TO SWITCH ON MY THINKING CAP... haiz... been switching it off i guess...
Oh ya... I really need to lose weight.. stop eating junk eh NANA... tak bagos tau... making you lok more and more chubbier... NEed to lose at least 15 to 20 kg... =X... I want to make my arm less flabby, make my legs smaller (my thighs are like so big)... make my tummy flatter and have a better overall look... and that is to have a smaller me... instead of a plus size me... need to go down from a size 12 to _.... I'm giving my self 1 1/2 years to 2 years to reach that goal... =)... I'm sure i can do it liao... juz need to exercise more iften and eat lesser junk food... =p...
Artist: Jimmy
Tak terlukiskan
Tak terkatakan
Semua yang kurasakan selama ini
Bila kulukiskan
Bila kukatakan
Semuanya takkan cukup kau sadari
Sesungguhnya t’lah ku berikan seluruh
Cintaku ini terlanjur mencintai
Terlanjur menyayangi dirimu seorang
Cintaku ini terlanjur memilihmu
Terlanjur memujamu
Dengan atau tanpamu di sisiku
Bila kulukiskan
Bila kukatakan
Semuanya takkan cukup kau sadari
Cintaku ini terlanjur mencintai
Terlanjur menyayangi dirimu seorang
Cintaku ini terlanjur memilihmu
Terlanjur memujamu
Dengan atau tanpamu di sisiku
Cintaku ini terlanjur mencintai
Terlanjur menyayangi dirimu cinta
Cintaku ini terlanjur mencintai
Terlanjur menyayangi dirimu seorang
Cintaku ini….
Dengan atau tanpamu di sisiku
Was searching for the song lyrics and the song itself and finally i got it... both the lirik and the song... the song is quite nice and very sweet... if only... nvm.... haha... niwae i'm still on a hunt for ndp tix... hehe.... k that was random... =p.... oh ya... hopefull if god's willing... niwae i hope i'll pass my iv tmr with no problem... insyallah.... =)... and for clinical trial test... oh ya i also need to start revising again.. coz i keep procastinating... after opening the book for a while then i'll go do something else... need to focus liao... FOCUS SAKURA!!! U NEED TO FOCUS!!! exams is coming soon liao and that is one month from now to be exact... =p...
hey... was werking with auntie siti and guess who came... HAiZAD IMRAN and DOCTOR JASLAN... they decorated a cake and 3 doughnuts each... hehe... HAIZAD wanted to write i love mum but due to space constaint he wrote i love me... haha... while DR JASLAN draw two hearts... =)... the cakes pix are all below... hehe.. I manage to take two photo with HAIZAD.. hehe... but one make me look very chubby... haha... and he's so cute... face to face somemore... saw him in skewl a couple of times but finally manage to talk to him...... lol... he's look better in person than in TV... lol... and he is quite tall too... lol... niwae he was kinda surprised when i know that he was taking adv dip in nyp haha and i was taking dip in nursing... hahaha... anw here are the pix i took... i think they are filming for a programme but i'm not sure what program is it... watch out for it soon ya... hehe... =)

Haizad's Cake and Dougnuts

Dr Jaslan Cake

Haizad decorating his cake

The Doctor, The Chef and The Nurse cum Artist

Me and Kak Kira

Me and Haizad

Me and Haizad again ( i look chubby and my hair is in a mess... LOL)

Haizad Imran (cute kan)

Group photo... (i'm like the youngest in the grp... =X)

today is the end of the 12th week of school (friday) and there are good news and bad news....
Good news: I got an A for my bio ICA 1... hehehe... finished it in 5 to 6 minutes but were happily waiting for sumone to go out first before i submit.... was pretty scary cause i tot i wud get a bad score... haha.... but i got an A... kekeke....
Bad news: I passed my subcutaneous injection but failed my IV therapy... haha.... juz because of three error... i forget to assess the cannulation site.. spike the bottle wrongly and never mention the 5 right to the lecturer.... must remember to do the ryte stuff on my retest... which will be on next tuesday 8 of july... gosh so fast.... need to pratice alot... and lots of memorising too... =X... coz i was so panicky that my stuff were all jumbled up... gosh... sian worx...
Nvm... pass my iv and move on... juz dont be too panicky next tyme... =).... must relax... niwae tuition was very stressful especially teaching the boy... he simply cant recall things i just taught even though i have been repeating the same thing over and over again... i feel like banging my head on the wall teaching him... boys boys boys... can make me faint... haiyo...
Will be werking for auntie mastura again tmr... doing some production thingy... earning $5 dollars per hours is good enough... haha.. at least got more money... besides the tuition money... lol.... i need more money.. always short of money... hahah.... sianz... my bank acct seem to be like a yoyo... go up go down go up go down... but thank god it never reach few cents before... haha....
Lastly... NDP tickets is so damn hard to hunt... haha.... havent got anything else to do with the tickets... i really want the tix seh... lol... dah 2 tahun tak py pe... hahaha