hey hey... im back... haha.... if im not wrong it has been like 12 days since my last proper entry...
lol.... niwae it was zawani's engagement 2 weeks back (20th july)... Congrats wani on ur engagement... =).... so happy for you... heee... and here are some of the photos that we took... =)

Niwae... exams is coming near... and there's a pharmaco mock test tmr... gosh... there's another one next week too... and my clinical trial exam is next week.... after which the week after is already my exam week.... ARGH!!!!! so stressful arh... bnyk betul yg kene blajar.... Will be studying for my pharmaco later on.... tmr i got like only pharmaco lecture which is like 1 lesson... dun feel like coming... but have to come because of the most test... haha
Oh ya... Yat accompanied me to TTSH juz now to fill up the application form juz now.... heee.... thx eh yat.... sanggup temankan aku walaupun class kau kul 2... kekeke..... after filling up the form we went to eat at LJS... no pics was taken so no pics will be updated on that.... haha.... After that we went to school to attend the 1 hour lecture...
We then proceed to order our pant suit for attachmnt at toa payoh and i must sae this tyme round they have from xs to xl... must be different company... coz the dress we get last tyme only have s,m and l.... i prefer this tailor cutting coz the figure is there... instead of a straight cut... haha..... but for my pants i need to customize it coz my thighs are like so big... haha.... that's the reason why i need to make my leg smaller... hahahaha....
I was finding toys with yat at TPY hub when the HR called and schedule for an interview tmr.. at 1745... so efficient sia.... i was like so surprised.... luckilly i have all the things photocopied already... =)... Hopefully i can get it... must answer all the question properly and not stammer like like tyme.... kekeke.... Insyaalah!!!
To all fellow nurses... GOOD LUCK ON UR EXAMS....