I keep it real N that's a promise,
I may b a BITCH but at least i'm honest,
when i walk by U, go ahead to stop N stare,
well keep on looking coz i don't care a DAMN,
i have my own lyfe N style,
and I'm not trying to please you or make you smile,
Now shut ur ASS up and keep me out of your mouth,
thanx eh for making me the center of ur world


Monday, June 9, 2008

its like almost 0130... and i can't seem to fall on my bed and sleep... dunnoe why... but im sure is DAMN sleepy... aiming to sleep latest by 2... coz i need to wake up at 10 tmr since i got to reach skewl around 12... =/....

i just realised something... Clinical theory test will be on when school reopen... but there's lot of empty space in my book... haha... guess i'll have to fill it up one of these day so at least i'll know what i'm gonna ryte... if not it gonna be all FON... hahakz...

Errr... my lappy seem to be a bit siao nowadays even though its like only a month or 2 month old... sometimes it will be ok and sometimes it will be so not ok... due to that.. i'm not using the battery most of the tyme and use the AC plug most of the tyme coz whenever i use the battery, the system is like so so slow... sianz... sometime i really feel like smashing this lappy...

Niwae bought a Forever Friend purse to put my money in... heee... since my coin purse is like so small and need to wash it often coz i put it in my pocket and it get dirty quite often.. so this tyme round i bought the plastic-like type... so it wun get dirty that often... lolz...

Yeah... I got my NTUC/OCBC card... It's quite nice... lol... now i have two acct.. POSB and OCBC... hee... I've replaced quite a lot of things since I lost my wallet 1 1/2 year ago... and gosh.. if i count them one by one a lot of money has been used... especially my IC.. cost me 100 bucks... and it took me like 3 months or so to actually save up the money for my IC which is the most important document of all the things inside the wallet... However i think all the pics inside the wallet will be gone forever coz no one return them to me... That's the sad part... But my new wallet is full with cards now... haha...

guess i'll go to sleep now... so so sleepy... hehe... till i update again... =)