I keep it real N that's a promise,
I may b a BITCH but at least i'm honest,
when i walk by U, go ahead to stop N stare,
well keep on looking coz i don't care a DAMN,
i have my own lyfe N style,
and I'm not trying to please you or make you smile,
Now shut ur ASS up and keep me out of your mouth,
thanx eh for making me the center of ur world


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey... I finally manage to do a do blog... Won't be blogging in the old blog liao... will be deleting it soon i suppose... Or perhaps juz keep it... hehehe... There's alot to update but I will be updating this bit by bit and this tyme round.. There will be photos...

Attachment if finally over and I didn't expect it to be such a great attachment after all coz majority of the previous attachment were so boring... However I had more fun at ward 42 with the staff nurse being so friendly instead of the other ward.. All like so WTH... SN Zelana, SN Lina and SN Eline were quite fun to be with. Basically... Most of the AN and SN there were really great... Except for some old timer... heee... Well... It was a great experience in the ward even though it is quite short... Wish it could be a longer posting coz O & G is so fun... It was a really eye opener... I was posted to be 4 bedded cubicle most of the tyme and it's not like what the others always say that paying class are always stuck up... Most of the patients were actually quite friendly and easy to talk with and not that snoobish...

The 2 weeks at paeds was not really a fun one.. even though there are lots of kids.. coz most of the tyme we are actually communicating with the parents instead the kids and the parents can be very very demanding... Gosh...!!! Oh ya... There was once... a patient actually "followed me"... she was supposingly to be transferred to ICU however the transfer her to HD which is actually infront of the nurses counter... and coincidentally i was ask to work in that cubicle.. i was so surprise to see her there... haha....

Will be updating the pics when my bluetooth is Ok... Its kinda down ryte down... Dunnoe why... haiz... been trying to send the pic from juz now... NVM... will try to put them in soon... i'll post in a few first and will post the rest in a few day tyme...

Before i forget... This year seem to be a stressful year coz we're having attachment in the school term and due to that no money will be coming in... =(... And there is 5 ICAS to complete.. and we actually have to look for the info during the weekends coz we're having the attchment on weekdays... Damn tired sia.... 4 weeks have pass and i'm only left with Behaviour modification and mental health... Phew...!!! IF not i think I'm gonna collapse in the bed and never wake up... =X...